My Service Package

As a doula I work with laboring women and their families, offering non-judgemental support. I work in all settings including hospitals, birth centers and homes. I also work with clients seeking natural childbirth, vaginal births after cesarians, women planning to have epidurals, and those having scheduled cesarians. As your labor support doula I will respect all of your decisions and support you, you can not offend me or make a decision that I will not like!

I offer a complimentary initial one hour meeting at your home or public venue of your choice. At this meeting we will discuss your birth expectations and get to know one another. If after this initial meeting you feel that you would like to work with me then we will set up a prenatal meeting.
For our prenatal meeting I will come to your home to meet with you and your partner. We will spend time going over your birth plan and expectations in detail. If you have not created a birth plan and would like to have one I will help you explore your options. I will also help you research your choices for the baby immediately after the birth and to plan for your postpartum needs as necessary. As a breastfeeding, babywearing mother I would be happy to help you learn more about these practices if you are interested.
I will be available to you for contact via email thoughout your pregnancy to discuss your questions and concerns.
Starting at 3 weeks prior to your estimated due date I will be available to you for 24 hour phone and email support.
Once you think that you are in labor I ask that you call me right away. From there we will make a plan for when you want to me join you, either at your home or your birthing location. I will come to you whenever you want me to join you during your labor and I will remain with you continuously for the remainder of your labor. I also will remain with you for an hour or two after you give birth, leaving once I have helped you establish breastfeeding and you and your baby are resting comfortably and ready for some quiet family time.
We will have one postpartum meeting at your home about 2 weeks after the birth. At this meeting we will marvel at your baby, discuss your feelings about the birth, any concerns or difficulties that you are having and we will make sure that breastfeeding is well established. If you have any postpartum questions that I can not answer, I can refer you to local resources for the help that you need.

The total fee for my service package is $400. Half of this fee is due at the prenatal visit, and the remaining half is due at the postpartum visit.